Questions about Matula Tea?

Most of the questions we receive from our customers regarding Matula Tea are answered in detail on our FAQs page, so you will probably find your answer quicker by going straight there.

If you need further assistance, we will respond to your question which can be submitted via the form below.

Please note that due to time zone differences we do not offer a phone in service.

We provide a detailed written response by email – this is easier and safer to understand, and also handy to retain for later use if necessary.

Attention: AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail users!
If you do not receive a reply from us, this will be due to the limited functionality of your email account. Our policy is to answer every single email we receive within 24 hours during weekdays, and all inquiries are addressed at this time.

The above email accounts are known to disallow receiving of messages that contain attachments, or links to webpages – and our replies will include these.

To avoid any problems, please try using another email account (other than the above-listed ones). Also, make sure that you whitelist us to ensure that you receive the mail you want!

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We only promote 100% natural products that have been clinically tested by renowned professionals, and which are proven to be highly effective and completely safe. We publish all clinical test results, so you can see the effectiveness of our products before you buy.
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Minimal Risk

We offer a Money Back Guarantee because we want you to have complete peace of mind when you decide to purchase the products we recommend. Our aim is to help you to regain your good health safely and effectively – with zero risk to your health, and zero risk to your finances.
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Our Natural Health team is always available to answer any questions you may have about the symptoms and treatment of stomach ulcers and helicobacter pylori infections. We offer ongoing professional advice to ensure you regain your good health safely.
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